Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jets Suck & Nabokov is a Douche

Sunday Funday!  I kinda like watching football on Sundays.  No wait, that's not entirely true.  When Danny would watch like 3 straight games starting at 1pm on a Sunday afternoon... that wasn't quite as fun (hehehehe). But when there's just ONE game that I'm somewhat interested in watching on a Sunday evening, I like it!  For example, tonight's Steelers vs. Jets game, to decide which team will make it to the Super Bowl.  I am a Giants fan, so I don't much care for the NY Jets.  Plus that coach Rex Ryan is just a big talker and he's kinda creepy.  At least the Giants coach looks like a mean dinosaur instead of the Pillsbury Doughboy, and doesn't make strange foot fetish videos.  So I was pretty gleeful when the Jets lost tonight.

Yeahhh I got bored and took a bunch of really retarded DSi photos with effects and posted them on Facebook.  I'll probably regret that tomorrow lol!  xD

Anyway so that's not the only sports topic on my mind right now.  I'm a bit baffled by the Waivers system in the NHL.  You see, this goaltender named Evgeni Nabokov had been placed on waivers by the Detroit Red Wings... and when you're on waivers, it means that another team can swoop in and snag the contract.  So the Islanders claimed Nabokov off waivers, and this fucking goalie is being a HUGE diva bitch about it.  Clearly he doesn't want to come to Long Island.  He said:
"Right now, that's right. I was surprised they picked me up. I was like, 'Wow, what's the point?' " Nabokov told ESPN. "It's nothing against the Islanders and their organization. It's just that I'm at the point in my career where I want to help a team win in the playoffs. I don't see how I could help the Islanders or what I could do for them."
I say... first of all, guy, it's not up to you to determine why a team picked you up.  We have our reasons - mainly that our main goalie Rick DiPietro's ability to play is pretty uncertain, and our 'baby goalies' aren't doing so hot either.  Lawson (the better rookie) is kinda injured and I don't even KNOW the other goalie's name.  So we need a more, uh... 'reliable' goalie.  It's not like a player can be placed on waivers and then give dibs to a team that's in playoff contention.

So anyway, this guy Nabokov is refusing to report to my team.  He even hung up on the General Manager, Garth Snow:
Snow, however, also confirmed what owner Charles Wang had told reporters a few minutes earlier, that Nabokov - the longtime Sharks goalie who started this season in the Russian KHL - had hung up on him during an initial phone call made Saturday. Before talking to Snow Sunday, the 35-year-old Nabokov told ESPN he hadn't been contacted by the Isles or received any voice messages from Snow.
"(Nabokov's agent Don Meehan) called me and told me it was uncalled for and that he would get to the bottom of it," Snow said. "He called me back 15 or 20 minutes later, saying '(Nabokov) didn't know it was you.' I just gave him the benefit of the doubt."
Read more:

I say, child please.  This is the most obnoxious move I've ever seen by a hockey player, and that's saying a lot, considering how much crap NY Ranger Sean Avery has pulled in the past 5 years or so.  I always figured that [most] hockey players were humble and down to earth.  At this point I don't want this fuckhead Nabokov on my team - he's clearly a selfish bitch, and that doesn't fit my team's mentality.

I hope the league forces Nabokov to honor his contract that is now owned by the Islanders, and then I hope the Islanders suspend him for the rest of the season for being a douchebag.  That way he can sit on his ass and mope around for the next 3-4 months and not play for ANYONE, let alone a playoff team.  That's what you get for being a selfish asshole.

*end rant*  :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

Interview Day!

Well, I guess my 'post a day' quest has been downgraded to 'post a week.'  Or maybe a 'post whenever.'  :P

Anyway, today was kind of exciting!  I'd been applying to jobs all week, looking for jobs that were specifically in my local area and in my areas of interest.  I thought it was going to be business as usual - send an email, hear nothing back, rinse and repeat.  Not today!

I was doing my workout and my cell phone rang.  I was in the middle of a 20 minute jog so I was all out of breath and not quite equipped for a professional conversation, so I let it go to voicemail.  When I was done and showered and ready to focus on stuff, I sat down to check my messages.

When I called the voicemail, I had not one but TWO messages!  I have no idea when the other message had arrived, since my phone sucks ass and doesn't tell you any of those helpful details.  But I digress.  So I checked my messages - the first was from a place called "Catnip and Carrots," which is a local veterinary practice in New Hyde Park, which is one town over to the south.  I spoke to a very nice receptionist who signed me up for an interview on Sunday at 4:30pm.

The other message was from "Eventful Productions," a local event planning company in Roslyn Heights, one town over to the north.  The woman I spoke with at this company scheduled me in for Wednesday at 2:30pm.

I am super psyched about both of these prospects!  The vet would be perfect for me because I love animals, and I would LOVE a job that allowed me to work with animals all day.  I could help train the cats, I'm good at handling even difficult cats...  I've even had to apply oral medicine and topical creams to my cats in the past.  And no, that's not easy - cats HATE when humans try to assist them with their hygiene!

The event planning company would ALSO be perfect for me, because they are looking for someone who is heavily versed in Photoshop and Social Network Marketing.  Those are two of my favorite things!  Not to mention that wedding/bat mitzvah/social events is a field I've worked in before, so I could offer my services in video editing as well.

All in all, I think I'm highly qualified for either of these positions.  Unfortunately, I'm pretty lousy at interviews.  Unless I'm SUPER confident, I tend to blow it.  Maybe I should review some interviewing tips and articles about this sort of thing tomorrow, to help prepare.

I hope it goes well!  :D

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cleaning Out My Closet

That's the name of an Eminem song.  This entry is not about that song.  I literally cleaned out my closet today, while watching "Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion".  Rachel had never seen that movie before - I was shocked!

Anyway, the reason I was doing this was not because my closet was really all that messy.  I mean, I only moved back home a month ago, so how messy could I possibly have gotten?  (I'm actually more organized than I've been in a long time, so that really was not the issue.)  The reason I was going through all my crap is because I couldn't find my digital camera.

I thought it would be in the closet, because that's where my video camera is, and they had both been packed together in the same box when I was moving.  So I pulled all my clothes off the closet bar, took out all the boxes and other crap my mom had jammed in there.  I found quite a lot of stuff that I didn't even know was in the closet, like a bag of stuff my mom had taken from my old room and brought up here.  For example, my first place award from the French Competition back in 2000.  (OMG that's 11 years ago!  Shut up!  lol)  And the porcelain carousel horse that has a music box which plays "It's a Small World After All."  Not to mention some REALLY old CD's of mine, like some Metallica crap and some other random shit.  It was great to find these gems, and I was able to re-organize my closet in a more sensible way.

Unfortunately, I didn't find my digital camera in the closet.  I was kinda pissed off about that, but I figured I'd just give up and look again later.

That is, until I sat down to write this entry.  I was thinking about where I had put the box that used to contain the digital camera and the video camera.  It had been on a shelf over my bed.  I looked over my shoulder to see... a suspicious black mass on that same shelf.  When I got up to investigate...  of course.  The digital camera was right there, in it's case, exactly where I had left it.  Sigh...

Well, at least my closet is organized now!  :P

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dork Day!

Today, I was open about my nerdy-ness.  Meaning, I went out to GameStop and downloaded a free Pokemon to my three DS games.  :P  But it was fun to go to the mall with my little sister!

I also went to a crafts store called Michael's and picked up something I've desperately needed - an x-acto knife!  And I need this because I had received a silhouetting kit for Christmas and wasn't able to actually play with it without this precision cutting knife.  So now I can do CRAFTS!!!  Yay!

Now if I would just gather up the courage to try and learn to crochet.  My sister got me a really cute crocheting kit but I don't know the first thing about this kind of sewing.  I'm just worried I'll screw it up and waste all my yarn.  Though I suppose I could always go BACK to Michael's and get more yarn.  Maybe I should stop being a wuss.  I'm sure there's some YouTube videos I could find that would help me learn how to crochet.  It just seems a lot more complicated than I thought it would be!  Or maybe the instructions just LOOK complicated.  Maybe I should just try it and shut up.  :P

Anyone out there in the interwebs know a good crochet resource?  lol

OK the Islanders are playing the Oilers tonight so I'm gonna go watch the game.  I have kind of a bad feeling about this game... we've been on a long winning streak (shocking!) and I'm feeling like all good things must come to an end.  But we'll see.  Maybe I'll post an angry rant about the game tomorrow.  :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dead Birds Falling

Is it a sign of the apocalypse?

To ring in the new year, thousands of red-winged blackbirds decided to mysteriously die and plummet from the sky, raining bird carcasses in Arkansas and Louisiana.

People have come up with all kinds of reasons that these birds all died at once and dropped to the ground.  Some say that it was the New Year's fireworks... but wouldn't that mean that all these birds would've died every time fireworks are shooting in the sky?  Others suggest maybe it was severe weather, such as lightning... but AGAIN, wouldn't this cause birds to die every time there is a thunderstorm?  There's been some talk of disease or poisoning, but who really knows?

Actually, I think I know.

If you've ever watched the show "Flash Forward" (which might not be that many people, since the show was cancelled after one season) this might seem all too familiar.  To quote an article about this, which explains it a lot better than I would:
[In the show,] The world suffered a Global Black Out, in which some people had flash-forwards. This gave an insight in to their life to be in six months time.  Apparently, in the TV series, there had been a localised first test of a pylon system which was a quantum entanglement device.  This happened in the fictional region of Ganwar in Somalia. Everyone in the town blacked out and all the crows died. Life imitating art?
Well, ok, it might be tough to explain why nobody in the town of Beebe, Arkansas blacked out, yet all the birds died.  Or, as my little sister proposes, maybe they DID black out, and the government is covering it up??  But maybe this isn't the best explanation either.  Good thing I have an ACTUAL idea of what is causing all these birds to die.

I don't find it much of a coincidence that all these birds died in Louisiana and Arkansas.  Just so happens that LA is one of the states that was most harshly effected by the BP Oil Spill.  I won't be surprised at all if I find out that the birds died because they ate fish that had been poisoned or coated in oil.  I know that there are going to be some serious long-term effects from the oil spill, even if nobody else wants to agree with me or acknowledge this.  You can't just spill millions of gallons of oil into the ecosystem and expect there not to be serious repercussions.  First the marine life will be effected, as they already have been.  Then the animals that feed on these fish, such as the bird life in the area, will die as they try to eat the tainted fish.  It's just going to continue to affect the food chain, and things are going to get worse before they get better - mark my words!  :P

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year - New Me?

Happy New Year!  I'm not one for making resolutions.  Resolutions are kinda like ultimatums - too severe.  People say, "I resolve to lose xx lbs. this year!" and then when they don't reach their goal, they feel like a failure.  I don't wanna put myself through that.  But I do want to make healthy changes and stick to them.  Baby steps are a bit more effective for me.

I think the first important change I need to make is to actually TRACK what food I eat.  When you have to write it down, it makes you a lot more accountable and less likely to overeat like crazy.  I found a widget I can use in iGoogle, so I'll be using that for now.  I'm waiting for my Move It and Lose It account to be ready (see my Doctor Oz post a few entries below), because that website will have a food tracker too.  I don't know what the hold up is with that site - I wish I could get started with that!  It sounds really cool.

Anyway, the other half of the battle is obviously getting enough exercise.  I know and accept the fact that I might not be able to get a full work out in every day.  For me, a FULL WiiFit work out includes:

  • 3 mins of Advanced Hula Hoop (warm up)
  • Advanced Step Aerobics (warm up - about 5 minutes)
  • 10 minute Free Run - usually 1.3 miles
  • 10 minute Rhythm Boxing
  • Advanced Rhythm March (cool down - about 3 minutes)
  • Yoga:  Sun Salutation, Warrior, Downward-facing Dog, and Bridge Poses
On days when I don't have to work or go anywhere, I'll also add in 20 minutes of Free Step Aerobics after my mile run, just to get another mile under my belt.  I really should also add the Plank strength exercise, but ughhh that one sucks!  :P

However, some days I don't even have time for a full work out.  Or I'm feeling lazy.  Or my back injury is acting up.  In that case, I try to modify the routine to at least get the 20 minute Free Step Aerobics and Yoga done, since that's pretty much the lowest impact exercise.  

Even when I'm exercising and tracking my food, there's still another hurdle:  junk food.  I don't know what the issue is, but my Mom is CONSTANTLY buying junk food and stuffing the kitchen and pantry with 'naughty treats.'  We're talking chocolates, cookies, baked goods, chips, ice cream...  the list goes on.  What I've decided to do is go through the pantry and fridge, and write out a list of all the BAD choices we have in the house.  Maybe if my Mom sees how long this list is, and how excessive the spending is, maybe she'll buy more healthy options instead.  We'll see how that goes.  If all else fails, at least I'll have a list of what NOT to eat in this house.

OK I'm really gonna try to not blog about dieting and health crap every day.  I promise my next blog will be something more interesting!  :D

Print & Watch: How Healthy Are You?

Monday, January 3, 2011

I’m Posting every day in 2011!

Disclaimer:  This little 'blog more often' initiative was started by WordPress.  I'm copying WP and attempting to do this on my own blog instead.
I’ve decided I want to blog more. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a day / once a week for all of 2011.  (More likely once a week but we'll see...)
I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.
If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes, and good will along the way.

Move It and Lose It in 2011

Keyword Ad Tag:  nike Eat Less. Move More. Lose Weight. Feel Great. Dr. Oz, Sharecare and Nike are joining...