Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year - New Me?

Happy New Year!  I'm not one for making resolutions.  Resolutions are kinda like ultimatums - too severe.  People say, "I resolve to lose xx lbs. this year!" and then when they don't reach their goal, they feel like a failure.  I don't wanna put myself through that.  But I do want to make healthy changes and stick to them.  Baby steps are a bit more effective for me.

I think the first important change I need to make is to actually TRACK what food I eat.  When you have to write it down, it makes you a lot more accountable and less likely to overeat like crazy.  I found a widget I can use in iGoogle, so I'll be using that for now.  I'm waiting for my Move It and Lose It account to be ready (see my Doctor Oz post a few entries below), because that website will have a food tracker too.  I don't know what the hold up is with that site - I wish I could get started with that!  It sounds really cool.

Anyway, the other half of the battle is obviously getting enough exercise.  I know and accept the fact that I might not be able to get a full work out in every day.  For me, a FULL WiiFit work out includes:

  • 3 mins of Advanced Hula Hoop (warm up)
  • Advanced Step Aerobics (warm up - about 5 minutes)
  • 10 minute Free Run - usually 1.3 miles
  • 10 minute Rhythm Boxing
  • Advanced Rhythm March (cool down - about 3 minutes)
  • Yoga:  Sun Salutation, Warrior, Downward-facing Dog, and Bridge Poses
On days when I don't have to work or go anywhere, I'll also add in 20 minutes of Free Step Aerobics after my mile run, just to get another mile under my belt.  I really should also add the Plank strength exercise, but ughhh that one sucks!  :P

However, some days I don't even have time for a full work out.  Or I'm feeling lazy.  Or my back injury is acting up.  In that case, I try to modify the routine to at least get the 20 minute Free Step Aerobics and Yoga done, since that's pretty much the lowest impact exercise.  

Even when I'm exercising and tracking my food, there's still another hurdle:  junk food.  I don't know what the issue is, but my Mom is CONSTANTLY buying junk food and stuffing the kitchen and pantry with 'naughty treats.'  We're talking chocolates, cookies, baked goods, chips, ice cream...  the list goes on.  What I've decided to do is go through the pantry and fridge, and write out a list of all the BAD choices we have in the house.  Maybe if my Mom sees how long this list is, and how excessive the spending is, maybe she'll buy more healthy options instead.  We'll see how that goes.  If all else fails, at least I'll have a list of what NOT to eat in this house.

OK I'm really gonna try to not blog about dieting and health crap every day.  I promise my next blog will be something more interesting!  :D

1 comment:

  1. Bah! This is interesting. It sounds like you are doing a lot already in wii fit!

    I totally hear you about some days not wanting to exercise for whatever reason. Next time you're feeling lethargic tell me and I'll try and give you a pep talk. ;)

    I basically just want to be healthier too. I think if I were a pokemon my nature would be: lazy.
