Monday, January 17, 2011

Interview Day!

Well, I guess my 'post a day' quest has been downgraded to 'post a week.'  Or maybe a 'post whenever.'  :P

Anyway, today was kind of exciting!  I'd been applying to jobs all week, looking for jobs that were specifically in my local area and in my areas of interest.  I thought it was going to be business as usual - send an email, hear nothing back, rinse and repeat.  Not today!

I was doing my workout and my cell phone rang.  I was in the middle of a 20 minute jog so I was all out of breath and not quite equipped for a professional conversation, so I let it go to voicemail.  When I was done and showered and ready to focus on stuff, I sat down to check my messages.

When I called the voicemail, I had not one but TWO messages!  I have no idea when the other message had arrived, since my phone sucks ass and doesn't tell you any of those helpful details.  But I digress.  So I checked my messages - the first was from a place called "Catnip and Carrots," which is a local veterinary practice in New Hyde Park, which is one town over to the south.  I spoke to a very nice receptionist who signed me up for an interview on Sunday at 4:30pm.

The other message was from "Eventful Productions," a local event planning company in Roslyn Heights, one town over to the north.  The woman I spoke with at this company scheduled me in for Wednesday at 2:30pm.

I am super psyched about both of these prospects!  The vet would be perfect for me because I love animals, and I would LOVE a job that allowed me to work with animals all day.  I could help train the cats, I'm good at handling even difficult cats...  I've even had to apply oral medicine and topical creams to my cats in the past.  And no, that's not easy - cats HATE when humans try to assist them with their hygiene!

The event planning company would ALSO be perfect for me, because they are looking for someone who is heavily versed in Photoshop and Social Network Marketing.  Those are two of my favorite things!  Not to mention that wedding/bat mitzvah/social events is a field I've worked in before, so I could offer my services in video editing as well.

All in all, I think I'm highly qualified for either of these positions.  Unfortunately, I'm pretty lousy at interviews.  Unless I'm SUPER confident, I tend to blow it.  Maybe I should review some interviewing tips and articles about this sort of thing tomorrow, to help prepare.

I hope it goes well!  :D

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